30 Hours in Puerto Viejo

    Costa Rica isn’t cheap, but if you’ve got the budget, it’s worth staying longer. Since we landed in San Jose, we figured we’d at least check out a bit of the country and headed to Puerto Viejo, a popular spot for travelers moving between Costa Rica and...

Reasons to Duck Off

Here are the links to my articles,  with evidence (maybe a few too many stats, or maybe not enough—who the hell knows yet) and the real reasons why you should leave a country like Australia or what you should go out and fucking see. Rising Costs should leave Aussies...

Latin America Travel Itinerary

Clarification: Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil This is it. A bit of a road map of what I’ll be doing over the next 4 months… ideally. The truth is who really knows. When I went to Thailand, there was no...